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How many clients you want to have on September 2021? 3 For how many your income increase? on 200% Which main (small or big) steps I have done to achieve this? I have presented it in...

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Giờ này chắc Heo đang ngồi trên máy bay òi, chắc là đang rươm rướm nước mắt tiếp nhỉ, lúc nãy khóc sưng cả mắt vậy mà :(, chắc cũng đang hồi hộp...

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Hello it is you 18 years old =))))

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Dear Future Mitchnalda, This is one of many letters you'll be receiving from your past self. It seems such a great idea to write future letters. As of now, it is July 6th, 2020. I'm in the...

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