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Perihal perjalanan satu tahun HALO APIP DI HARI RABU TANGGAL 23 DESEMBER 2020 INI TENTU SAAJA PACAR KAMU TERSAYAAAAANG DI HARI SABTU TANGGAL 18 April 2020 Aku mau kasih tau hari ini 18...

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Hay Kailah you we so young and now you got taller and older hope yo are doing well From,...

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Hey Mari, It's me... You Today is June,2nd. I decided to try another sight instead of Futureme.org I don't know about though because you can actually send a letter to yourself. and I love...

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hi awaknya

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-Dear Andini Arfiani, my future me in 2021- Hey Andini! Apa kabar? Eh terlalu baku gak sih? Soalnya kan kamu tipe yang ketikannya rada alay tapi asik

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