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Labas Sesyte :* Sveikinu su tortadieniu :* Tu visada busi mylimas ir mielas zmogutis, visada dėl tavęs pergyvensiu, norėsiu daugiau apie tave suzinoti, tu beabejo galbūt dėl to...

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Gintare, sveikinu su labai greitai artėjančiomis Kalėdomis. O jos labai greitai artėja kai esi pakankamai užsiėmęs. Nors Kalėdos tavo laiku po savaitės, o mano laiku po 4 ar 3 mėnesių,...

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Dear Danny, This is kind of weird--me sitting here writing this and reading it at the same time. Kind of unfair don't you think? I have no idea who you are. Yet, you have the privilege to know...

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xs v

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Hello myself. As you know, today is Valentine's Day. Chances are you're a lonely bastard today and you're feeling like shit. SOOOOO here I am, trying to cheer you up with this wonderful letter!!!!!...

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