Dear Dontae,
You might not believe this, but it\'s you from the past and you should be receiving this around the time of you 12th grade graduation. So give me a second to remind you of...
Labas mama! Čia aš - Karolina. Kai rašau man trylika, o tavo realybėje man jau aštuoniolika. Esu pilnametė, turbūt sukėliau daug galvos skausmo kai man buvo 14-16 metų. Bet tikiuosi tu...
Labas Edgarai, šiandien 2012.12.30 ta diena kai mes susipykom, todėl tau parašysiu dydeli laišką. Pameni pirmą kart susitikome 12.14 kai dar visai nepazinojome vienas kito, buvome viso labo...
Caden, by now you should graduate high school, and in California for your 18th birthday, celebrating with all of your family. Not only that, there should be a new addition to the family who has yet...
Joining FYP and being able to be a part of a special group of orientation leaders makes it difficult to stand out/set me apart from the rest. By the end of this, I want to feel as if I completed...