Labas, Giedre!
Rašau Tau iš netolimos praeities.Dabar yra birželio mėnuo. Norėjau Tave pasveikinti su gimtadieniu
ir palinkėti, kad mūsų draugystė gyvuotu amžinai, kad norai taptų...
everyone always say that they are fine, but actually they aren't
If you are receiving this, I hope we are still together. Today July 1, 2013 we have been together for a full yr. Best days of my life! You are my everything and I believe you know this....
it's nikki. Now i know this is confusing but let me explain. First off this website is made for you to send a letter to your future self! you send a letter and you put the date on when you...
dear arul ,
hi i love you happy in the speak up project . i love miss michelle .in future i wanna be a bahasa melayu teacher.. i love my bm teacher ...thats all for now