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Hi. It's Joe. It is November 9th, 2011. It is 12:56 am. I am at home, on my computer. You are at your moms, helping her with her broken leg. We haven't seen each other in almost 2...

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Labas Irma, Rašau tau iš praeities laišką. Dabar yra 2011 m. rugsėjo 24 šeštadienis. nusprendžiau iš anksto pasveikinti tave su gimtadieniu, nes kai jis ateis, greičiausiai pamiršiu :D...

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Ты там ещё не сдох, падла? И это, привет типо, передавай Косте привет. наверно у тебя комп, ты миллионер и есть...

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M, Ahhhh can't contain this anymore.. I love you, Sirrrr. - G

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Hello future me! Right now I am sitting in uni researching for my 49 project, looking at time capsules and things that can be put in them. Wonder what you are doing now, how you are finding your...

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