hi gaurav,
this is to yourself from 19-07-2016 .you have just completed graduation and about to enter law school.you don't have any idea where yoy will end up in life.you are currently...
Hey Its Sachin. So its your last year in college. you better party it up!!!!! and Happy Birthday. If I don't text you its not that don't love you. Its that I don't give a crap. JKJK I probably just...
Labas, Mama ir Teti :)
Man jau 30 metų. Kaip baisu, kai pagalvoji, kad laišką rašau būdama 20 :) liko nepilnos 3 dienos ir gimsiu 21 kartą. Che, keistas tas gyvenimas kai pagalvoji..bet...
Dear Taylor Lunford,
When I wrote this I was freshman in the year of 2014 -2015 at Glades Day School. In health class I learned that you have to eat healthy such as eating fruit and vegetables. My...
Labukas. Kaip gyveni, garbane?
Aš tave myliu ( kaip Gabija myli Liolį).. :D
Sveikinu su gimtadieniu.. Apkabinu ir bučiuoju.
Būk gražutė, auk didutė, mamą pavaduosi.. :D
Erika iš 2012...