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DEAR,SEAN I hope your still like soccer and your going to play for rocky.Are your grades good you'll get some money from mom and dad so do good. MY OLD TEACHER MR.MAKIE IS MAKING ME WRIGHT...

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Heya, my this is your ole\' future self aka Misha writing to you now! It\'s April Fool\'s day currently, and it\'s been really, really exciting. Let\'s forget the fact that everything consisted of...

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Dear Rowan Levi Thomas, This letter was written by yourself on August 16th, 2024. What are you doing man? What's the love life, job situation, car?? Right now I have no job, I'm trying to get...

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Hey Soph, You're probably staring at your computer right now (or whatever new fancy gadget you're using and going "omg I forgot about this!" (unless "omg" died and is now considered weird). Hey...

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