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April 5th 2018 Hello future Tommie, It is currently 2019 or whenever this letter gets emailed to you and you might either be pretty famous from the clothing you are working on right now in...

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UN DIA COMO HOY PERO DEL 2022 :o Eres una chingona:D Ahorita tengo problemas de autoestima ojala en un año, amiga, te des cuenta, y tu vida este kul, que cringe jasjjas, aun no entro a la...

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Labas Greta, artėja meilės diena, tai sakyk, ar ją praleisi su savo taip ilgai lauktu ir svajotu žmogumi? tikiuosi taip, tad artima ateitis mane labai džiugina. jei ne, tada reik susiimt...

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Dear future me, Brother your writing yourself an email who knows if you are going to receive it or not but you now will be 32 years old writing this 10 years early I hope you never forget what...

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Dear Felix, What's new about your life? Are you enjoy being who you are right now? Do you have a dream? Do you want to live for science and thought, or passion and love? Hope you would have...

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