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Dear Jennifer, This is yourself from the future of 10 years, specifically from April 29, 2013. You should be 25 right now, and I\'m terribly sad because I cannot imagine myself so grown up. I am...

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Mieloji, Aš Rašau 2011 metais,rugsėjo 23 dieną, penktadienį. Būdama 15 metų,pakankamai sveika ir minimaliai protinga. Kaip tau sekas? Turi naujus namus ir kambarį? Kokia spalva...

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Mielas Mariau (aš), rašau tau rugsėjo 15 dieną, niūriais 2011 metais. Už lango - 18 laipsnių šilumos, saulės pro debesis nematyti. Šiuo metu sėdžiu namie, ir, užuot dirbęs,...

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hi future Aiden I play for CBC and I am a good baseball player I play pitcher and third base I hope I can go to South Carolina or Costal Carolina and play high school baseball bubbles is my...

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I will leave the school. I will go out with someone! I will drive a Porsche. I will have a two kids. I will travel to Mars. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ACO ! ♥ 11:54 AM

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