Sveikas, aš čia tau rašo aš :D Dabar yra 2011.09.20 17:45 tikiuos jau susiradai drauge jei ne tai taip ir mirsiu vienisas :D forever alone guy :D siaip turbut smagu visai pamirsus apie si...
Hi Sneha,
This is Naimisha. Hope you still remember me. Right now for me, it's May 28,2015. You are probably back from the Catalina trip in 8th grade right now. Anyway, I will be seeing you...
Dear Joel,
How are you doing so far? I hope that you are still alive and well and we are still friends. I just wanna say, thank you for always being there for me despite me being so unreliable...
I'm Currently 25 years old, and living with David, and Amber. I Work at and COTG. Me and Amber broke up yesterday, which is fine. I am hoping I end up with Chrissy...