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Labas<3 Šiandien (2012.09.26) nesu laimingiausias žmogus,bet tikiuosi,kad skaitydama tiesiog šviečiu laime. Tikiuosi su Tomu gyvenimas sekasi kuo puikiausiai ir turite katytę ^.^ Tikiuos...

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Hi there! It’s me! Wait- no it’s you? Anyways, how are you doing? Hopefully you’re doing good, I hope you guys aren’t in quarantine still. Do you have a car yet? I hope you do, the s14 is...

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Miela Dovile, rašau tau, kai už lango pučia Šiaurys, o snaigės taip užgulė langus, kad net šviesa vos pro stiklus prasiskverbia. Šiandien turiu ypač daug darbo, dovanų begalės, kaip...

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Hey me in the future, are you still friends with Emily, Jamie, Sophie, Riley, Nico, Jake, Georgia, Keely, Ryan and Dominic? Are you still obsessed with One Direction, N-Dubz, Little Mix, Cher...

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Dear FutureMe, Today, you're writing this at 2:24 AM. You just finished watching the docu series of BTS entitled Break the Silence. It's a 5 episode series but it felt like it just pierced my...

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