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Hey Ibrahim form the future, This is me from 2020. Pandemic is going on. I am well. Hope you are alive. You should receive this letter on your 23rd birthday. You must have finished your college by...

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congratulations! Your letter has been saved and will be sent on 19-06-2022. before your letter is sent, it will be safely stored in the swiss alps. Would you like to see where it is?

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Ieva! Labas, čia ateities Greta. Noriu tau palinkėti sėkmingos sesijos ir šiaip visko sėkmingo! Noriu priminti, kad eitum pašert triušių ir nepamirštum pažiūrėt serialų. Beje, kur...

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Когда-то я была скептиком и особо не верила мечтам. Пока одна из них не сбылась не ожиданно для меня. Теперь...

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Hey future me What's your favorite part of sixth grade? My favorite part of 6th grade right now is my friends. My friends are lily, kaleigh, katie, nex, zai, ailyn, annali and a few more. My...

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