Do you remember that time when you went on letter2future and wrote yourself this email thinking you'd troll your future self?
lol I think so
Hi, reen!! To my future self, I hope that one day you’re gonna find this letter again and read it. You’ve doing so well until now, you keep fighting even though you cry everyday. What a strong...
Dear Nike,
First of all... Happy 18th Birthday! You are now 18 and in sixth form! Today I first received a letter from the old you. It was written on 23-12-2012 and most of the stuff is kind of...
Labas, siunčiu pabandymui tau laišką į netolimą ateitį.
Ar jau atradai gyvenimo esmę?
Tokius gausi kas met. :)
Teks susitaikyti :)
Kada moterys per daug kenčia? Kai per mažai...
Dear FutureMe,
First of All don't forget the LORD always pray and take care to your siblings always look to the past and remember to write this letter again and your Otaku Anime Lover and don't...