Dear Pookie,
Its actually a year prior to you reading this. I just wanted to let you know that you look beautiful. You always do! I LOVE YOU!
I want to be an engineer,i want to get good grades in all the subject i want to read more than 20 books
Dear Diana,
I am writing this letter from 2014.
and I am sending this letter, by this time you would be 30 years old.
the age you wanted us to meet
I wanted to tell you, the first time we met...
Sveika Gerda,
kiek metų prabėgo.. Dabar sėdžiu savo tėvų namuose ir rašau tau šį laišką ir ištikrųjų nežinau, ką noriu tau pasakyti. Man begalo įdomu, kokia tu esi dabar, ko...
Labas Mama,
tavo gimimo dienos proga, siunciam tau sveikinimus is praeities :) Nes kai rasau tau si laiska www.letter2future. com pagalba dabar yra 2011 09 29 :)
Taigi linkim tau daaaug...