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Hey me, Happy 26th birthday! Have you moved out? Have you achieved everything you wanted? Have you finally bought that computer you wanted? Or that phone? This is me, the 24 year old you...

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'If not now then when?' Tikiuos teisingai naudoji šiuos žodžius iki dabar. Aš tuo nė neabejoju. Tikiu, jog būsi ten, kur nori būti ir tuo,kuo nori būti. Tavo praeities aš....

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Dear FutureMe, It is currently the last week of the Summer 2020 semester as I write this. Matt and I leave for the keys on Wednesday. We recently resigned our lease for another year. I am...

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ily bitch

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Ti ricordi di questo periodo? Stavi cercando di creare la tua impresa. Quanto tempo speso a scrivere il BP, a fare calcoli, a incazzarti con Word ti apriva il doc di Neonisi e crashava. Ma ce...

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