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Hi are you? how is university? are you even in university? ugh ironic how im writing this right now and wasting my time when i should be off doing something else... haha. im pathetic....

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Привет, малышка! Вот и прошло полгода с того момента, когда ты начала вести ежедневник «6 минут». Я надеюсь,...

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Labuka, sveikinu su margučių švente! Sėkmės ridenant margučius! Velykų kiškis Eina kiškis takeliu Su pintiniu krepšeliu. O krepšelyje margučiai, Duos kiškelis jų vaikučiams....

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Dear everyone, Hope each one of you is in the best of health & living life fully. I wrote this letter back on 18 October, 2011, thinking it will be perfect to point out what the present is like...

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Hi Mahal, Oh diba, hopeful kaayo ang greeting nga kita pa jud one year after I type this email. Hihihi! I'm sending this today because I've been missing you so much. I know you don't like...

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