Cara me,
ricorda: non conta quanti errori fai, conta farli a volte.
Dear FutureMe,
so I hope you did something in your life. You should have completed your college by now. I am really corious which one you choose. Did you follow my advice about the big fish in the...
Be an OG for life hopefully we are playing cod competitive,and playing against the pros
Labas :)
Taigi, šiandien yra 2013 metų sausio 30 diena. Tikrai nežinau, ką parašyti, bet labai įdomu bus gauti laišką iš praeities :D taigi, baiginėju dvyliktą klasę,...
Dear Future me, I am currently typing this while playing Stick Ninja Academy in English Class. I just got done with SEVEN projects and feel good except I have to wake up early every morning....