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Dear future me, I want to make varsity tennis next year, as well as continue playing baseball. I hope I get straight A's as a freshman and am able to continue that throughout high school. I also...

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Sveikutė, Gabija!!! Pirmiausia noriu tave pasveikinti SU ŠV. KALĖDOMIS IR NAUJAISIAIS METAIS!!! Tikiuosi, kad tau patiks šios šventės, bei gausi daug daug kalėdinių dovanų!!! Taigi,...

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Labas, Saulė!! Čia aš rašau tau iš praeities (hm... ne taip jau ir senai vasario mėnesį) Tikiuosi dabar labai šilta, tu maudaisi, sutitinki su draugėm ir pan. Džiaugiuos dėl tavęs!! Tai...

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Dear Future Me, I can't believe you're already 15...I still remember when you were seven, with your erratic tantrums and (incredibly) round face... 15 is a magical year. Did everything go well?...

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