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Hello Adam in the future. Throughout this school year I would like to learn more about the world in general. More about jobs and what is to come in the future. I hope to make many new friends this...

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Dear anyone from the future im in desperate need of help, i have been on dialysis now for about 12 yrs, the year now is 2020, to be exact, 2020-09-01, during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, i...

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Sveika ateities, Aiste!!! Praėjo 8 metai, tikiuosi,kad per šiuos metus pavyko surasti veiklą,darbą, hobį, kuriame save visiškai realizavai. Tikriausiai per tuos metus pakeitei nuomonę...

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Per kalėdas noėčiau gauti telefona lieciamu ekranu su dviejom sim kortelem o daugiau ir nieko kaip ir nereikia aciu uz dovanas jeigu jas man suteikisi kokiu prasiau nors ir netokios bet vistiek...

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