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Labas, broli. Kaip gyveni? Spėk, nuo ko šis laiškas! Neatspėsi muhaha :D Aš tave myyyyliu (kaip žuvis myli vandenį). Esi pats fainiausias brolis, gražuolis mano, madistas, ralistas.. :D...

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Dear future me, I want to make varsity tennis next year, as well as continue playing baseball. I hope I get straight A's as a freshman and am able to continue that throughout high school. I also...

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Hi Ajay It's been 7 years since we sent this mail. We are sitting here in the product development lab on the 30th of january in 2018.It's time to meet again. Call me at +917708544836

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2012-10-01 Sveika, Vika. Turbūt nėra įprasta gauti laišką skirtą tau nuo savęs tarp visų tų elektroninių laiškų. Tai va, noriu tau papasakot ir primint kokia tu buvai prieš šešis...

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Dear Sweetness, Today is my 40th birthday. Thank God I am still here, pero di ko sure since i am sending this 1:54am May 30, 2021 (Covid19 pandemic) sana may flight tayo somewhere sa Europe this...

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