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Hello there; If you didn't automatically think "General Kenobi", I am very disappointed in you. When you get this letter, you're gonna be 18! You should know things like this!! Anyways, I'm...

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DEAR COOPER JOSEY WHALES is cute high school is new but will soon become easier WHAT IS thE hARD thiNGS ?

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Laba diena, gerb. Domantas Šatas, Jūs su Valentino diena sveikina Šarūnas Pačkopskis-Ekvadoras. Linki daug meilės, sveikatos ir aišku mergų;) Prie šiu sveikinimu prisideda Slekso kompanija...

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Dear, Rosalia My favorite part of 6th grade was when I met Sophie. She changed my life. She has made me happy everyday. Remember she has awesome comedy. One Challenge that has not been...

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Rašau sau iš praeities. Tikiuosi patekau į "Lietuvos tūkstantmečio vaikus" praejusiais metais sekėsi nekaip taigi tikiuosi kad sikart pasiseke. Dar tikiuosi kad vis dar lankau sporto mokykla....

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