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Dear Kilian's futur: I wrote this letter when I was fifteen years old, on monday,October,16th; when I'm twenty-five years old! I studiy in Sud Médoc high school, I'am fifteen yeras old, I...

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mikael watch video crodi abhir from past

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Hello Gian Marco, how are you? I hope you are fine. Today, the 6th of Febrary of 2013, I want to tell you that you are awesome (jk haha). Anyway, I am talking with Marte Melkevik...

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Dear Shawn I genuinely think you're an IDIOT!!!!! With Regards (not), Tendai 5/2/24

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It's Halloween and we just finished Trick-or-treats. Anna (9) is Coraline, Nick (5) is a Fireman, and Gavin (3) is Buzz Light Year. We had a great time and everything is perfect. Happy kids and...

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