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Do you remember that time when you went on letter2future and wrote yourself this email thinking you'd troll your future self? lol I think so

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In the future I plan to save money by not going out to eat every time I get my hand on some money. Also I will plan to go to work with my uncle and put back a percentage of what I get paid every...

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Tu gali galvoti kad tu esi zmogus, bet tu neesi zmogus, tu esi zmogus. As nezinau kodel tu zmogus, arba kodel as debesys, bet zinau kad turiu sparnus, ir juos pameciau. Ajajajai.... Kai tu...

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Sveikutės, kaip Jums šie metai? Neužmiršot, kad moterys kenčia tada, kai myli per mažai :))) Gera išmintis? Mama, ar prisimeni šį vakarą, kai aš rašau šį laišką ir man skauda...

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You may think that you are a man, but you are not. You - are infact a man. I do not know why are you a man, but I know that you are a man, and I am a man that is a drakon underwater, I do not know...

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