Happy Birthday Neil!
Hope this sees you well and your memory problems
are all fixed. I came across this and am writing it from 2012
I will not remember doing so.
Some people are old at 18 and...
Chissà chi sei diventata
Sto scrivendo questa lettera in una calda sera di agosto. Ho 25 anni, sto studiando (in maniera discutibile) per prendere la patente, e presto dovrò capire dove dirigere...
Laba laba mažule! omgash, atsimeni, kaip norėjai gaut laišką? aš chiaa :D beje, atsimeni, kai sirgai? tada kai rašei šitą laišką, turėjai 37, o dieną prieš tai - 37,6. šnd...
Dear Chase,
Ya big goof! Why you gotta be famous already? I'm writing this from work at Arena, remember when you used to work there? Psh, that's old news! Love you! Hope you got a hot girlfriend...
Miela, Virgute
Stai atejo musu ilgai laukta diena ,kai mudu svajojome sukurti grazia seima ir susieti mudvieju gyvenimus. As tau rasau 2011 rugsejo 28 diena pries mano 18- taji gimtadieni...