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Hello future Bella! This is only 2 years ahead but I assume you're going to be a completely different person honestly. There is so much that is bound to change and it exciting to think about. So...

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Well, I hope you did it. College seemed hard... How was your journey? Did you get your degree? Are you off to be a software developer? I sure hope you got more comfortable with it. I don't know if...

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Hello epic gamer. If your reading this ninja needs your help but hes probs on his pension. still no gf im guessing haha lol you sad dogg your still lonely and on the street. is the world cucked yet...

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Labas mamyte, niekad nerašiau Tau laiško...retai Tau paskambinu...dar rečiau aplankau...niekad neišdrįsau tiesiai į akis pasakyti kaip aš Tave smarkiai mylėjau, myliu ir mylėsiu (gal...

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Dear Me Terrance Harvey! I know that you are a living a fullfilling life everyday Like always. Love you man!

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