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test to see if this site really works and not some crap like futureme

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Where the heck are you? At 20 you were in Juja. and really really disliking the country living. Are you still in Thika? Are you in the city? Do you have a house? Do you like where you live? Hey,...

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labas barbe ziurek kokia as fancy as tau parasiau laiska aahhahahhahaha as tikrai lietuve jis nemokamas haha apicly trolled. tai va barbe. lol. cia as, tavo zmona, rasau tau is praeities. miela...

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Hey Jordan, I heard you are doing great in school and still playing your violin! Keep up the good work and stuff! I will be home for Christmas break next week and will be home for almost THREE...

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ciao me del futuro devi sapere che in questo momento sto scegliendo un liceo e oggi mi iscrivero al Liceo Artistico, spero che tra 5 anni sarai fiero di questa scelta e potrai seguire i tuoi sogni...

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