Labas mergyt!!!
Aš labai labai labai labai Tave myliu ir sveikinu su taip ilgai lauktu 18 gimtadieniu! :*
Tu esi nerealiai nereali, niekad to nepamiršk!
Pameni, kai mes kalbėjom kažkada...
Are you married yet? If not why not? What did you do wrong?
If so, and you own a home with a garden...
Today; Plant a tree and wait for maturity, once grown read a page of the life diary...
Прочитав лист з 2018. Це звернення іншої людини, з потужним ентузіазмом і натхненням. Олег 2.0 трохи втратив цю...
Dear FutureMe,
A year has passed since i wrote this letter. Hope you have good grades, a girlfriend, friends, money and parents. Did i change?
How\\\'s clash of clans going ( if im still...
How are you? I hope you are happy with the girl you love and your family. Sorry if this letter is disturbing you. I write this letter on 20 /4 /2020 day 32 of Malaysia RMO due to covid 19....