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Hello peoples of future. Tikiuos lietuviai esat. Dabar gyvenam tai vamzdiec tas kubilius viska brangina, prezidente Dalia grybauskaite . Sianden mano gimtadienis...

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Labas, Lu. Tikrai keista rašyti SAU laišką. Bet tai tikrai smagu. Man 13. Dabar, kai skaitai į laišką, tavo, oi, mano požiūris bus bent kažkiek pasikeitęs į kažkokius dalykus. Taigi,...

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Is barely surviving still your purpose??? Do you still try to defy his gravity??? Are you still wondering when will it end??? Did you step down from it for good??? Does nobody knows who you are...

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Mummy wants yellow rose as a birthday gift

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Think back to your childhood days when you were more carefree and everything seemed to come easier. You never worried about impressing the people around you, but rather all that you were concerned...

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