Hi Qi Yu,
How are you these days?
I am writing you this email because I now last year on the same day you were not happy. You were frustrated by the job hunting in US, you were upset that...
Ruduo, bet buvo gan saulėta diena. Taigi, rašau laišką sau, nežinau kodėl, bet.. bet. Nesu iškalbingiausias žmogus pasaulyje, bet manau dabar 2013-07-02 jau galiu pasakyti tai ką noriu ir...
Su šventom Kalėdom!Linkiu daug dovanų ir svajonių išsipildymo!Pasižadu klausyt tėvų, gerai mokytis, taupyt pinigus kitiem mokslo metam!♥
Hai alv. this is your past self. How are you? Had you relapsed or are you already good? I hope you are still in uni and havent dropped out yet. I know things sometimes gets hard, memories sometimes...
Hi future rohit
Hows life ?? At this time life suck you cry a lot always . you just moved in here and hate it because the kids over here are kanadigas and they always play cricket . you hate your...