Labas Dienas, Aurimas ir Laurynas. Kaip gyvenimas? Gyvenimas yra gražus, gražus kaip paukščių čiulbėjimas. Čiulbėjimas lyg kalbėjimas. Sniegena lyg sniegas, visur gera, šilta ir gražu....
Hello My Future, Dear future me. I would like to become artiste desinger.
I plan on living in Monaco. When i grow up, I think i will own have a house.
I like advice for a school and a advice...
Dear Future Mitchnalda,
This is one of many letters you'll be receiving from your past self. It seems such a great idea to write future letters. As of now, it is July 6th, 2020. I'm in the...
Hey Me,
Are you still struggling with marketing? Have you remembered to make the necessary changes to SEO stuff.
How are things going with Phil? Have you succeeded any more than we are...