Dear the lovely Catelyn,
I know you're probably busy marrying a millionaire, buying a new Bentley, looking for new curtains to go with the mansion you just bought, and taking care of your...
Dear Tyler Joy,
First of all, happy birthday. You turn 20 this year. Unless you got us killed, that is. Try not to do that, alright? In case you've forgotten about this, I am writing this letter...
Hello there;
If you didn't automatically think "General Kenobi", I am very disappointed in you. When you get this letter, you're gonna be 18! You should know things like this!! Anyways, I'm...
hey babe,
its the day b 4 ur b day !! you should be umm 15 and im hoping you 4 get this by the time you read it ! lol idk if this really works . well by know you have started high school , 9th...
Love of Mylife
I love you with all that I am. I am amazed everyday I am with you how much you mean to my life and my happiness. Your level of understanding and your ability to manage my...