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если ты это читаешь гена ,то я надеюсь тынашел себе девушку.и утебя все хорошо.я писал это 13.02.2020в 14:24 . Я...

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Congrats on surviving the end of the world in 2012... you're turning 22 today! Maybe give Kim, Greg, and Richie a call. I'm writing this for you, because I love you. You deserve to be happy. So...

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J, 22:31, 19/02/19. Kamusta? Yung pagsulat ko ng mga ganito, it's cause I want us to remember or perhaps you'll remember me. Maybe you're next to me celebrating. Gusto kong kahit sa ala-ala...

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Labas, Evaldai :) Šį laišką rašau 2012.02.15, kai gausi šį laišką jau bus tavoji diena, tavo gimimo diena ;) Tikiuosi, kad šią dieną vis dar laikysi mane savo glėbyje ir toliau...

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Hi Natalia , I wonder how you're doing as last time I was with you , you seemed really down and family things weren't as good. You were really annoyed at your mom for talking to that man and...

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