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De: Present Tendai
Escrita : 13-09-2024
Será enviada : 13-09-2028
13 September 2024 Friday


Today I miss Shawn. What happened was sad but I still miss him. I seem to not be able to forget about about even though I feel like he hurt me so much and treated me in such a way that no one ever deserves to be treated. But I will not make this about him. I think that this says a lot about me and I have been trying my best to ignore that. I simply really liked him and i still very much do still like him and i feel like my feelings for him are patient and i absolutely abhor that fact. This does not mean he deserves access into my life though, i like him a looooooot and a part of me still hopes for something but the better part of me knows better, it knows I deserve better, way better.

Tendai, i do not know what the future holds in store for you but know this, God has always been and will always been with you, he loves you sooooooooooomuch, he cares for you and he would never in a million years abandon you. So it is safe to say by the time you are reading this hopefully insignificant part of our life i know for a fact that things have gotten better and everything is in its rightful place, including you;
Whether that is with someone else or Shawn (he will literally see hell if it is him) i know for a fact that for us, it ends with God, because it started with God.

Love & Faith

P.S God is good all the time.
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