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Dear Felix, What's new about your life? Are you enjoy being who you are right now? Do you have a dream? Do you want to live for science and thought, or passion and love? Hope you would have...

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Dear FutureMe, Hello Lyn! I am currently in Manila npw for training as Teller in EWB. Tomorrow ia the start of my training. Im a bit nervous because we need to really put effort and pass all the...

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Привет Я из будущего! Пишу тебе письмо 06.01.2024. в 22:16. Я думаю ты не помнишь как писала это письмо. Надеюсь война...

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Cara me del futuro futuro non tanto lontano ma comunque futuro, sei riuscita a dimagrire? Qualche giorno fa sei andata dalla dietista, com'è andata? Comunque vada sono fiera di te. Ieri...

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You better have that linear algebra stuff down by now, or else I'll be mad. You also should have another internship under the belt, a girlfriend, and an AI that passes the Turing test. Your...

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