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dear me! happy birtday=] i hope you have an awesome birthday bash=] when this was written you were in greece having a blast and hopefully you will go again this year!!!! at the moment you are with...

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привет! я просто хотела задать пару вопросов ты всё ещё виртовская? ты ещё вместе с заирой? ввели в...

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Chissà chi sei diventata Sto scrivendo questa lettera in una calda sera di agosto. Ho 25 anni, sto studiando (in maniera discutibile) per prendere la patente, e presto dovrò capire dove dirigere...

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Not gonna lie, I'm a bit pissed because I just wrote you a whole letter about dreams and shit and it got deleted. Not sure I can be that deep again. You're twenty nine, today. Hopefully, if I got...

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dear arul , hi i love you happy in the speak up project . i love miss michelle .in future i wanna be a bahasa melayu teacher.. i love my bm teacher ...thats all for now

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