People you've kissed:
Ryan Lee
Will Percy
James Watkins
Harry White
Rob Camm
Tom McGrath
Xander Seddon
Freddie Derbyshire
Lee Wykes
Jesus I must be forgetting people...
There was a boy...
Sveikas,pats sau pasirašei šį laiška vaikine :D o gal sakyti vyre jau? :D kaip bebūtų,dabar yra 2012 balandžio 22 diena,lengvos pagirios po pusbrolio bernvakario ir visa diena praleista...
Labas Pumpuriauski,
Siurprizas ;)mes ir vel svenciame musu ypatinga svente! Is tikro, noriu tau padekoti uz visa gera, ir bloga (jei kartais tik buvo;)... Aciu, kad rupinies manimi, kad...
Hi, it's Brandon from December 10th, 2011 reminding you that it's been 10 years since Zack, Aaron, Justin, Steven, Sarah, Johnny, Brooke and I buried the time capsule in my backyard. My cousin...
I will be a soccer player
I will drive a courvette