За этот месяц многое изменилось, поменялось мнение о многих людях. Забудь всё то, что веет...
everyone always say that they are fine, but actually they aren't
Dear me
Whats up! By the time you read this you will have grown to be more mature and have a face that is hopefully acne free. I'm really not good with letters, or technically we're not good at...
Ar tai jau atėjo...? Ar pajutai...? Kodėl taip, o ne kitaip...?
Tai juk taip nuostabu...!
Kas aš...? Kas mes...?
Prisimink viską kas yra geriausia, neužmiršk, nepalik, nepabėk......
Dear Joel,
How are you doing so far? I hope that you are still alive and well and we are still friends. I just wanna say, thank you for always being there for me despite me being so unreliable...