Sveika, Deimante, cia raso Laura. Taigi si laiska tau parasiau pries keturis metus ir tikiuosi tu noresi ji perskaityti. Dabar laikrodis rodo 17:39 ir siandien treciadienis. Per technologiju...
Hi Ed,
You are writing this from China in 2012, the British Olympics are about to start. I hope that you have done some of the things that you wanted to do. You better be playing the guitar well...
Labas, brangioji (Gretute pyktute) :*
Noriu tave pasveikinti su graziom ir nuostabiom sventem. Linkiu, kad sios sventes butu pacios graziausios, kad visi norai ir lukesciai isipildytu ir butum...
Dear future me,
I was writing more than usual today and had uncommon thoughts coming to me like running horses. I was not especially happy but just full of emotions, I had plans for the future...
Šiandien tavo gimtadienis ar ne?
Sveikinu ir sėkmės!!!