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Labas, Lora, Prisimeni mane? Tai aš, 15 minučių nuo tavęs gyvenanti draugė, Rugilė. Vis dar neapsisprendžiu, kada tu turėtum gauti šį laišką, po kelių metų, tu visa tai...

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What did you do to have the body structure and ability of a professional dancer, and to have 1 million dollars cash in your bank from helping people and making art you love?

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Dear FutureMe, Wassup Nick its you from high school senior year. Happy birthday by the way. dont spend it being bored come on your a college man. go get laid... you better not be a virgin...

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Hello Nike, How is the exams result? If you didn\'t get what you want then it was me. I know I should have work harder than this. I am so sorry. I have no motivation at all. But I can promise...

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Labas, čia rašo Gintarė iš praeities. Turbūt dar pameni mano amžių, paprasta mergaitė, galbūt neišsiskiria niekuo, galbūt dar turi paieškoti giliai savęs, ir galbūt dar nežino ko...

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