Hello! It’s so great to see you! Bye! ØwØ
Dear future me,
Hello future Max this is past Max but you probably know that. Life is good where I hope we have that new computer along with a lot of things. First of all I have a lot of...
Taigi, šiandien rugpjūčio 2 diena. Sėdžiu darbe, nuobodu, dar manęs čia niekas nepasveikino, baisu, kad pyragai nesurugtų nuo karščio. Kaip gyvenu ? Sunku priprasti prie darbo ritmo,...
Hello my Dear Self,
I hope you are feeling better now. I am writing this letter on this day of October 14, 2019. Right now I am trying to be better. I am focusing on the things that I would...
привет, это я Вася из 2021 года, надеюсь тебе придет это письмо через 5 лет, я закопал капсулу времени (на самом...