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Dear FutureMe, hey you been in love to someone and its the first time you also confess your feeling vice versa, i feel so fuckin kilig about it i dont know why it happen and i dont know how did...

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Labas, Tau vyras tik ka papasakojo apie galimybe parasyti paciai sau laiska i ateiti. Taigi, dabar yra 2011 09 15 22:26: as ir Giedrius sedim ant sofos namie priesais telika, Ugne uzmigdyta ant...

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Hello myself. As you know, today is Valentine's Day. Chances are you're a lonely bastard today and you're feeling like shit. SOOOOO here I am, trying to cheer you up with this wonderful letter!!!!!...

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LETTER 2 FUTURE!! “Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” ~Chinese Proverb Yes, I had reached the age of 25. Still, I doubted this letter from my past would make...

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Dear future Ron, I am writing you this letter because despite this depression, I have hope. I have hope that things will get better, and I have hope that you are an overall better person than I...

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