LOOK AT YOUR EMAIL, 8bnealon@gmail.com....there is a letter from you sent June 5, 2012(age 15)...You did this Sophmore year of high school in Mr. Fleming's class:)I know you probably forgot, and a...
Laiškas iš praeities
Šiandien 2011-09-29 dieną vėlų vakarą rašau tau iš praeities,visų pirma norečiau palinkėti tau happy birthday my man :) sveikinu...
hey bitch i'm from the past
Labas Vika,
žinau, kad aš jau pora metu pamirštu tavo gimtadienius. Ši karta aš tau rašau sveikinimą iš praeities. Tad sveikiniu su 18 gimtadieniu. Linkiu, kad visos tavo svajones...
Dear joan
my favorite part of 6th grade was making many friends we may have played around in class but they were always there to make me laugh even tho they talked bad about me they didn't...