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Labas, Sūnau, rašau tau vėlų vakarą (tu ir sesė turbūt jau miegat). Noriu, kad žinotum - labai, labai tave myliu ir visada mylėsiu, kad ir kas benutiktų, kad ir kaip bepasielgtum. Aš...

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Hey you, When I was writing this letter, you just started your first day of the Day Zero project. You were very excited and motivated. The first thing you decided to cross off your list was to...

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Hi, How are you? I hope you are happy with the girl you love and your family. Sorry if this letter is disturbing you. I write this letter on 20 /4 /2020 day 32 of Malaysia RMO due to covid 19....

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Hey bish!! Wassup?! I hope u r having a pretty better time than me (ur present self ofc)! So recently you are voluntary freaking yourself out, I mean why do u do that to yourself!? U already...

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I know u will b hpy n xctd to read this.its been 3yrs. N u r fucking 25.happy bday.! I wnt to say that I lv u. I lv ur immoral, unethical self that u were in past but don't knw if u still lyk dt....

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