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hello you. future you, before i begin to talk about the future, i'll tell you about your current state right now, as of now you have 2 tasks which both are elit and it is currently 10.36pm, you're...

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Хей, привет, Андрей! На момент, когда я отправлю, мне скоро 15. Ты получишь его где-то в 25 году, если доживешь,...

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Hi Olivia! It's me Ashton! Not from the future, or the past. I am from the present. I sent this yesterday so that I could tell a few secrets. I feel bad for telling Spencer and KK (when I still...

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Tipo išbandau šitą programą :D

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Sveikas Vytai! tai ką sesija jau prasidėjus? a? :) Viliuos kad ją išlaikysi ne ką prasčiau nei praeitais metais :) Taigi noriu pasidomėti kokius darbus atlikai nuo 2011-10-01 iki gavimo...

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