Hello future Abdulrahman,
Bro, we're soo excited now. Now is 17th Jul'16. I mean nothing special happened but every waking moment since 5th May has been kind of special in its own way.
When you are trying to avoid that person, and then all of a sudden, messaged you for a little while but in the end left you hanging.
Well played.
Like, I like falling into you deeply.
Cuando traes paz para ti, puedes traerla a los demás.
Hoy, procúrate un poco de tiempo libre.
Ve a tu interior con ayuda de meditación, respiración profunda o lo que sea que te lleva a...
Hello future me.
I really hope by the time you receive this that you would have made something of yourself. If not, this is a stern reminder to get off your lazy fucking ass and got get it bro....
Dear Ricardo,
Kind regards, I am writing you this email because I want to tell you about my dreams for the future. I want to be a doctor and have my own hospital. For this, I will have to study...