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bruv when you walk in oof OAH nucc owo ainsley data:image/jpeg; base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMSEhU QEhIVFRIVFRUQFRUQFRAVFRIVFRUWFxUSFRUYHSggGB0lGxUVI...

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I think its time to stop this feeling and a relationship that only me still remember. Every sing time t think about him, every single time i feel bad about myself. Its the fking sign dont u...

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Můj milý Martine, dne 2.7. jsme se domluvili ze si pošleme dopisy do budoucnosti. Dnes nastal ten den, kdy ti měl dorazit ten můj. Chtěla bych ti vyřídit, že stejně jako jsem tě milovala...

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Dear anyone from the future im in desperate need of help, i have been on dialysis now for about 12 yrs, the year now is 2020, to be exact, 2020-09-01, during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, i...

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Polina! soriuka,niekad laiškų nerašiau, beet. noriu, kad turėtum kažką panašaus nuo manęs ir tikiuos saugosi ir tausosi šitą rašliavą:D taigi, taigi. Vat, tikiuos pabaigsi...

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