Hi you wrote this when you were sick on November 21,2011. You were awesome and Alex and I are in love! You smoke pot and drink and party alot.
Hi Ed,
You are writing this from China in 2012, the British Olympics are about to start. I hope that you have done some of the things that you wanted to do. You better be playing the guitar well...
Привет, малышка!
Вот и прошло полгода с того момента, когда ты начала вести ежедневник «6 минут».
Я надеюсь,...
Labas, as tave myliu, kad ir kur tu bebutum:) dabar 00:04 2012 11 28 gintaro gimtadienis, siandien buvau kine, brekstanti ausra su ruta skirckyte, turime su Laura vaziuoti i ryga, o per kaledu...
Хорошо закончила школу???? Смогла сделать свою игру??
Может наконец то купила электрогитару?? Или...