Should I smile because we are friends, or cry because that is all we will ever be.
Hope this helps you now or not at all but yeah.
Labas,manau šį laišką gausi vėliau nei tikiuosi, kad gausi. Bet tiek to. Sveikinu su aštuonioliktu gimtadieniu! Pagaliau prasideda laikas kai tu turi pati rūpintis savimi. Tikiuosi sekasi...
Dear FutureMe,
Today marks your 4th year in Cadiz International, hopefully by the time you received this you are already employed in a different company, you have a boyfriend and a car....
Dear future me, My favorite part of sixth grade was playing sports.I played softball and soccer and I really enjoyed softball and I really got along with the people on the soccer team except one...
Привет, мне из будущего,ПРЕДУПРЕЖДАЮ ЧИТАЙ ЭТО СО СВОИМИ ДРУЗЬЯМИ!!!! хы щас понимаю какой кринж я буду...