July 18, 2012
Dearest Haylee,
This is a letter from the past. I am writing this to you just to let you know how much I love you. Being with you has made my life worth living. You are the joy...
Rašau tau iš netolimos praeities.Sveikinu su gimimo diena ir linkiu kad visos tavo svajones išsipildytu.
Tavo brolis.
Hi Liam,
This is a letter from yourself, 3 months ago. When you get this letter you will be settled in your new house, and well into your second year of uni.
If this has actually sent your...
Mama ! Čia aš (: tavo vienintelė ir nepakartoama dukra (: Sveikinu Tave su 45 gimtadieniu (: Myliu, bučiuoju (: Linkiu , kad atrodytum taip pat gražiai , kaip 42 :) Nes tiesa, dabar 2012-09-09...
Heyy Future Nicol Davies
How are you?
Are you okay?
So l am writing to you to tell you because l need you to know your a baddie , your worthy of the love you think you don’t deserve, your...